Kirsten Goodwin Coaching and any programmes we run have made every effort to represent as accurately as possible the potential of any concepts, skills, techniques, ideas and "know how" presented. 


Earning money or achieving progression or promotion in your career using these materials and the techniques and ideas is not guaranteed.  All earning, progression and promotion potential is dependent on the individual who uses these techniques and products.  I do not purport to operate a 'get rich scheme'.  I cannot guarantee success, as there are many different factors that can determine the outcome and success of any of our content or programmes. 


This includes the amount of time you spend devoted to the programme, finances, ideas used, knowledge and other various skills.  It is up to the individual to determine the level of their income and success and this differs according to various individuals and their interests. We are not responsible for any of your actions in this regard.


This disclaimer is included in the Kirsten Goodwin Coaching Terms and Conditions.


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